how to add someone to whatsapp

If you are wondering how to add someone to whatsapp, then this article is for you. Specifically, we'll discuss adding a person to your whatsapp contacts, and how to read the contacts of someone else. After reading this article, you should know how to add someone to whatsapp.

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Go to your Chats settings in the app, then tap Add contact. Tap Add person, then fill in all the required details about the contact, including their name. In order to successfully add someone as a contact, you will need their contact details. If you already have the other person's whatsapp QR code, simply scan it into your app and you'll add that person as a contact.


Tap the + icon to open a new message. If you already have a contact added, then you'll need to enter their contact details. Tap Done to finish the form. When you've completed the contact details part, tap on the + sign to add the person to your whatsapp network. They'll be added as a new contact in your list.

How to Add Someone to Whatsapp


To show your contacts who you are, tap on the + sign in the top-left corner of your status. You'll then see a list of people that you can add as a contact. The person you were trying to contact will be added. If you are trying to add an unknown contact, then you need to enter their email address. Once you do so, you can then send them a private message.


Private messages are great if you want to keep your contacts from being spammed. After you add someone as a friend, you can then send them a private message. If you want to know who a particular contact is, tapping on their name in the contact area will reveal their name, their current location, and the map link to their current location. This is a great way to find out more about someone.


One of the main features of i contacts is the ability to edit your contacts. If you want to remove someone from your contact list, you can do this by tapping on the Edit link which is located in the upper-right corner of the screen. In the top-right corner you'll find a red button. Click this button to access the edit contact form. You'll then be able to choose whether or not you want to remove that person from your list.


Last but not least, if you would like to receive regular text or phone updates from your friends on Facebook, or from anyone on Facebook, you'll need to go to Settings and select Send Regular Messages. Then, select the type of updates you want. Once you have chosen a regular SMS delivery service, you'll be required to input the information where it says Add Friend. Once you have done so, you'll be asked to type in a temporary phone number and a brief description about yourself. Finally, you'll be given the option to confirm your choice.


That's all there is to how to add someone to whatsapp. It's very easy, especially since all you've accomplished is copy and paste your information. As long as you're careful and don't share your information with just anyone, you should be safe. If you ever feel uncomfortable with adding someone to whatsapp, or feel the need to remove someone from your contact list, you can do so by clicking on the eraser in the top right-hand corner of your screen, then choosing Remove Friend. Just remember to set it up again before you try to contact them!

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